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Download a House List

See what House each student is in and make sure every student is in a House by downloading a House list.

Amanda Banik avatar
Written by Amanda Banik
Updated over a week ago

Download a House List

Student Houses can also be identified by the color on their Student Button on the Points Screen. Enable that display setting with these directions here.

Click on "Download House Lists" from the House Points > Options screen.

  1. Go to "House Points"

  2. Click "Options"

  3. Click "Download House Lists"

Open Your House List CSV

Your House list will indicate who is in which House

A few other notes about the House List:

  • Students without a House will show at the very top of this list

  • If a student is showing two/multiple Houses next to their name, that means that their points are going to BOTH of the Houses

  • If a student does not show a current House or if they are in multiple Houses, you can adjust them using these directions

  • You can re-download the list after making any changes to make sure everything looks correct

  • Once students are added/removed from a House, the House Points Dashboard updates automatically

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