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House Points
Set up your real-time house points competition; manage and edit it as needed.
Add or Remove Students from Houses or Edit Your House RostersAdd new students throughout the year, or update your House lists for a new competition.
Sort Students Into HousesYou can create up to 12 Houses in LiveSchool using one of three options: by grade, randomly, or into pre-sorted groups.
Create Houses from Pre-Sorted GroupsAdd each student to a Roster to use as a House, then link the Roster to House Points.
Create Houses Using Grade ListsLearn how to make every grade its own House.
Create Randomly Sorted HousesHave LiveSchool randomly sort your entire school into Houses.
Display House Points ColorsDisplay each student's House color, right on their Student Button!
Delete HousesRestore House Points to the original default settings with no rosters, for a brand-new competition.
Identify Students without House AssignmentsDownload a list of students who are not listed as a part of any Houses.
Add Points to an Entire HouseAward Points to an entire House, just like you give Points to students.
Download a House ListSee what House each student is in and make sure every student is in a House by downloading a House list.
Restarting a House Points Competition and Setting a Start DateSet the start date for your first House Points competition, or clear your House Points Dashboard to launch a new competition mid-year.
Accidental House Reset or DeletionIf you accidentally selected "Delete Houses" follow these directions to quickly reset your Houses!
Subtract Points from House TotalsChoose whether the demerits students earn count negatively toward their House.
Print House PostersKeep your students in the loop on House standings without a TV or smart board
Change the Color of a House on the House Points DashboardThe colors of each House on the House Points Dashboard can be edited – LiveSchool provides several color options to choose from.
Change a House NameYou can change a House's name separately from the name of the roster that is linked to the House.