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Update the House for a Single Student (Add or Remove)
Update the House for a Single Student (Add or Remove)

Add new students throughout the year, or update your House lists for a new competition.

Amanda Banik avatar
Written by Amanda Banik
Updated over 4 months ago

Houses are simply Rosters that have been linked to the House Points Dashboard. Adding new students to Houses is the same process as adding them to a Roster.

House totals are updated automatically when you update the House Roster. In other words, adding a student to a House will add all of the Points the student has earned (since the House Points Start Date) to the House total, and removing a student from a House will take away that student's Points from the House total.

Not sure if all of your students have been added to a House? Download a House List to check!

Click on Add to House

To edit a Student's House, click Setup on the main menu, then select Student and the name of the Student whose House you'd like to edit.

Once you've opened the Student Details Page, scroll down to find "Add to House" on the right. Simply click the green circle on the right to add a student to a House Roster, or unclick the green check mark to remove a student from the House Roster.

You can also scroll to the Assigned Rosters section and select "Unassign" to remove a student from a House Roster.

Click on Unassign on the right.

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