View House Points Color
You can view a student’s House Points color right from the Points or Rewards screen! Each student button will contain a strip of color at the top corresponding to the student’s House. As you select students, their button will even highlight in House colors!
Note that this feature does not currently support students belonging to multiple Houses.
Turn it On or Off
You can turn the feature on or off at any time! Here’s how:
Ensure your school has sorted students into Houses
Select "Settings" in the top, right corner.
Scroll down to the “Display” section
Toggle the “Show Houses” switch
Note that if you do not have Houses set up at your school, you will see a “Learn More” link instead of a switch.
Want to launch House Points? Visit our Launch House Points article to get started!
Further Reading
If you need to see all student’s Houses in one place, see our article on how to Download a House List.
If you'd like to change your House colors, see our article on how to Change the Color of a House on the House Points Dashboard.
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