Welcome to the comprehensive guide on launching House Points in LiveSchool! This optional system is designed to foster a positive school culture, build camaraderie, and boost school spirit among students and staff. Follow the steps below to set up and run a successful House Points competition.
Why Use House Points?
House Points can significantly enhance your school’s environment by promoting teamwork, motivation, and a sense of belonging. While the initial setup requires some effort, the long-term benefits make it worthwhile.
Step 1: Set Up Houses
You can create up to 12 Houses in LiveSchool. Assign students manually, randomly, or by grade level.
Sort by Grade Level:
Go to House Points> House Setup > Create Houses Using Grade Lists. Customize the House names to fit your school’s identity.
Sort Randomly:
Go to House Setup > Sort My Students into Houses for Me. Enter the House names and select the number of Houses. A downloadable list will be available for announcements.
Pre-Sorted Groups:
To create Houses from existing rosters, go to House Setup > I've Set Up My House Rosters. Follow the steps to link them to House Points. Step-by-step guide is available here.
Looking for creative ways to name your Houses? Check out our 1,000+ House names!
Step 2: Customize Your Houses
House names and colors make your competition more engaging:
Go to House Setup > I've set up my House rosters > Options for each House.
Select Change Color or Edit Name to align with your school’s theme.
Step 3: Run Your Competition
Setting a start date is essential:
Go to House Points > Options > Competition Start Date.
Choose a date and click Save.
The Dashboard will display points earned after this date. You can adjust the start date for new quarters without resetting your site’s history.
The start date updates the dashboard for everyone in the school.
Note: Only use the "Delete Houses" option if you want to reset everything. You can always re-link House rosters afterward using these steps.
Step 4: Subtract Negative Points?
You decide whether negative points will be deducted from House totals:
This setting is distinct from the "Subtract Points for Negative Behavior" setting that affects individual student point balances.
Go to Options > Yes, Subtract Points or No, Don’t Subtract.
The choice is retroactive, meaning past demerits may affect totals.
Note: When "Yes, Subtract Points" is selected, the Dashboard updates with the negative behavior recorded, but not the student's identity.
Switching between "No, Don't Subtract" and "Yes, Subtract Points" is retroactive. Any old demerits that were issued could cause the totals shown on the House Points Dashboard to decrease.
Step 5: Display the Dashboard
Add excitement by displaying the House Points Dashboard on SMARTBoards or TVs:
Connect a device to your TV and log in to LiveSchool.
Navigate to House Points > Points Dashboard.
Real-time updates will keep everyone engaged. If needed, go directly to the URL https://liveschoolapp.com/#/house-points and log in. Alternatively, print House posters if your school doesn’t have TVs.
An internet-connected device
A keyboard/mouse for navigation
It isn’t currently possible to get the iframe to use for an embed code because the dashboard requires a login, and the cookies involved are session-based and require a logged-in session. Some LiveSchool customers use insights.liveschoolapp.com with yodecks. The yodecks team will be able to use this css selector to click login: #loginButton
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