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How to Enable or Disable the "Subtract Points for Negative Behavior" Setting
How to Enable or Disable the "Subtract Points for Negative Behavior" Setting

Learn about the "Subtract Points for Negative Behavior" option and how it effects your data.

Amanda Banik avatar
Written by Amanda Banik
Updated over 8 months ago


The "Subtract Points for Negative Points" setting is a feature of LiveSchool that allows administrators to choose whether negative Points recorded for students will subtract from their Saved point total, a.k.a. their "bank account" or not.

Only Admin users can edit this setting.


Scroll down to the Points section
  • From the Main Menu, select Setup and scroll down to Points

  • Toggle "Subtract Points for Negative Behavior" to On or Off

"Yes, Subtract"

"No, Don't Subtract"

Choosing "Yes, Subtract" will deduct Points from students' bank accounts, and the amount deducted is equal to the value of the Point.

Choosing "No, Don't Subtract," allows you to document negative behavior without deducting from students' saved Points.

Students and parents will see their bank accounts go down if they're using the Student and Parent Apps, so it is recommended to communicate to families why this is happening.

The Points will still have a negative value that you'll see in your Insights reports, but you won't be deducting them from the Points students can spend on Rewards.

This is recommended for PBIS schools.

Changing this option will only affect Points in the future and will not add to or take away from the amount students had saved before you made this change.

Negative Point bubbles will always show on student buttons when they are recorded, but teachers can turn off negative point bubbles using these instructions.

If you're using House Points, you can choose whether negative points are deducted from House totals separately from if negatives are deducted from students' bank accounts.

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