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Introduction to Dashboards
Introduction to Dashboards

An overview of behavior to quickly understand trends and top students or behaviors, including a printable Student Dashboard to send home.

Amanda Banik avatar
Written by Amanda Banik
Updated over a year ago

Here's an example of a School Dashboard.  It shows Points, Demerits, Ratio, Earned, and Spent.

What’s a Dashboard?

A Dashboard provides an overview of your Points at varying levels within your school, which can be great for long-term analysis and getting a high-level understanding of behavior. You can view a Dashboard for a specific student, for any Roster or grade, or for your whole school.

In this article, you’ll learn about the data that’s presented on a Dashboard, and how to control Dashboards to see the information you need.

Navigate to Dashboards

Click on Insights and then Dashboards.

Dashboards is one of the reporting tools in Insights.

Dashboard Types

There are 5 types of Dashboards, Student, Roster, Grade, Teacher, and School.

The first thing you’ll notice is the types of Dashboards you can view. From student to your whole school, you can access a Dashboard for whatever group you’re focused on.

Teachers can access a Dashboard for themselves, and Admins can access a Teacher Dashboard for any teacher in the school.

You’ll hear us refer to a Grade Dashboard or Student Dashboard, just meaning the type of Dashboard for that situation.

Although there are different types of Dashboards, they all present your data in the same way.

Time Period

Click on the calendar icon in the top, right corner.

You’ll want to make sure you’re viewing the timeframe you’re focused on using the time selector in the top right corner.

Click the time selector and choose from one of our preset or custom timeframes:

  • Today

  • This week - Points earned since Monday

  • This month - Points earned since the 1st of the month

  • Year to Date - Points earned since July 1st of last summer

  • Custom - choose specific dates for a custom timeframe.

Totals and Ratio

There are five numbers listed, points, demerits, ratio, earned, and spent.

The first five numbers on a Dashboard (from left to right) provide:

  • Total positive points

  • Total negative points

  • Ratio of total positive to negative points

  • Earned (Merits minus any Demerits)

  • The total amount of points spent on rewards

Demerits are only subtracted if your school has enabled the "Subtract Points for Negative Behavior" setting in Point Options.

Points Graph

You can view points on the graph for the day, week, 2 weeks, or month.

You’ll see a graph of Points over the time period you’re viewing. You can view the total Points for each day, or can group the data and see totals by week, two weeks, or month.

Top Students/Behaviors/Teachers/Rewards

You'll see Top Student earners, Top Behaviors, and Top Rewards.

Below the graph are the top 5 positive and negative students, behaviors, teachers (only on a Student, Roster, or Grade Dashboard) and top 5 rewards.

These are simply the students with the most positive/negative Points, the behaviors that earned the most positive/negative Points, the teachers awarding the most positive and negative Points, and the rewards that students spent the most Points on.

Hide Top Teachers

On a Student, Roster, or Grade Dashboard, you'll see the teachers that are giving the most positive and negative Points to that individual or group. You can hide the top teachers for parent-teacher conferences or check-ins with students by clicking settings and turning Hide Top Teachers "On."‍

Downloading Dashboards (in Batches)

You can download a PDF of any Dashboard you're viewing by clicking the orange "Download" button in the bottom right corner.

You can also batch print Student Dashboards – and print a Student Dashboard for every student in a Roster, grade, or your whole school.

Steps to Batch Print Student Dashboards

  1. Go to a Student Dashboard (Insights > Dashboards > Student)

  2. Select the time frame you're focused on

  3. Choose whether you'd like to show or hide top teachers

  4. Click "Download"

You can then choose whether to print Student Dashboards for:

  • Just (Student Name) – Only that student

  • Roster/Grade – Every student in the roster or grade

  • All Students – Every student in your school

Drilling Down on Your Data

Clicking on one of the highlighted data points will open a pre-filtered Timeline.

If there's something on a Dashboard that sparks your curiosity, you can click on any of the top students/behaviors/rewards numbers and access a filtered Timeline, showing each record for the student/behavior/reward that you clicked on.

For example, clicking on one of the top positive behaviors will provide a filtered Timeline only showing you positive instances of that behavior, like in the example video above.

Don’t forget that you can combine filters on Timeline, say if you’d like to see each time a specific student has earned a negative point for “Being on Time.”

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