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Use LiveSchool Insights to better understand the success of LiveSchool among your staff and students.
Finding Data on a Withdrawn StudentUse Points Logs to find transaction history for a student no longer at attendance at your site.
Deleting Behaviors and RewardsHow to delete Behaviors from your Rubric and Rewards from your menu and what happens to your site's data.
Introduction to DashboardsAn overview of behavior to quickly understand trends and top students or behaviors, including a printable Student Dashboard to send home.
Download My Teacher DashboardDownload an overview of your LiveSchool usage.
Download a Student DashboardA Student Dashboard offers a "snapshot" of a student's Points over a specific time period.
Batch Print Student DashboardsPrint multiple Student Dashboards; batch print by roster, grade, or all students.
Hide Top Teachers in DashboardsHide the top teachers from your Dashboards when needed for conferences or check-ins
Customize the Timeframe in DashboardsEdit the date range for points shown on your Dashboard
Introduction to ScoreboardsBuilt-in spreadsheets to organize your data and answer countless questions.
Review Teacher UsageUse a Teachers Scoreboard to see the total positive and negative points teachers are giving over specific time frames.
View Scoreboards by Grade or RosterUsing Students Scoreboard to view data for all students in a specific roster or grade
Download a CSV in ScoreboardsDownload a spreadsheet of your Scoreboards
Filter, Sort, and Add Logic in ScoreboardsSort, filter, and add logic to your Scoreboard to get a better picture of school-wide data
Customize the Timeframe in ScoreboardsEdit the date range of transactions displayed on your Scoreboards
Adjust Weight by Points in ScoreboardsShow weight by points to understand transactions.
Comparing Multiple Rosters (Including More Than 12 Houses)Follow these steps if you need to compare more than 12 houses or want to compare the performance of all your rosters side by side.
Introduction to TimelineUnderstand in real-time what's happening throughout the building.
Filtering in TimelineFilter the Timeline to find a specific student, teacher, or transaction.
Customize the Timeframe in TimelineEdit the date range that is displaying on the Timeline
Set Real-Time Notifications in TimelineEdit the settings on your Timeline
Download a CSV in TimelineDownload a spreadsheet of your Timeline
Separate Rows in Timeline
Set Notifications for Specific StudentsGet sound notifications when identified students receive specific behaviors.
How to Print a Behavior Report for a StudentLooking to print a behavior report for a specific student to include in their cumulative file? This guide will walk you through the process.
See Deleted TransactionsView previously deleted Points and Rewards transactions.