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Teacher Training Set-up

Options to set-up live teacher training

Soo Sup Cha avatar
Written by Soo Sup Cha
Updated over a week ago

Here are 3 options for setting up the ideal environment for live teacher training sessions! Feel free to use what works best for you.

Large Group

All teachers in one room

This option is great for creating a collaborative space where you as a school leader would be able to get a pulse on the flow of the training and also co-facilitate with the presenter on site.

Things you'll need:

  • A large screen to provide clear content

  • Sufficient audio to provide clear sound

  • Proper laptop placement so that the presenter can interact with your staff

Teacher Pods

Teachers grouped in classrooms by grade level or subject area

This set-up provides good flexibility as teachers are with their colleagues in the comfort of their classrooms. More specific collaboration can happen here as teachers can discuss according to their grade or subject area. As a school leader you would co-facilitate from your office or by joining one of the teacher pods.

Things you'll need:

  • A large screen in each classroom

  • A teacher in each pod responsible for handling the chat and muting/unmuting

  • Proper laptop placement so that the presenter can easily interact with teachers


Teachers join the training individually at school or at home

This is option provides great flexibility and allows teachers to have more individualized attention from the presenter. This does in turn limit the collaboration they are able to experience with their team or with school leaders during the training.

Prepare Your Teachers

Before the training begins send login invites to your staff so they'll be ready to go! Staff can access LiveSchool in 3 ways:

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