Printables Explained
A Printable is a printed report of a student's timeline of transactions. It includes all Merits, Demerits, Rewards, and comments given by teachers. It can be printed in a simple format or as a Paycheck. You can view Printables for a single student, specifically selected students or a full Roster.
Printables are a great way to display Points earned for a specific date range, along with a way to make comments visible to students and parents/guardians.
Navigate to Printables
Access Printables from the Main Menu or from the dropdown menu in the top, left corner of any screen.
Date Range Selection
Select specific dates to showcase all accumulated Points, Rewards, and comments.
Display Options
Choose between a concise summary of total Points or a detailed 'Paycheck' format, attributing a printed check to the student for their earned Points.
Add a students' Bank Account balance, which will indicate how much they have available to spend (earned Points minus spent Points).
Include a QR code that gives students quick access to their detailed Recap.
Student/Roster Selection
Select students by grade or from shared Rosters.
Report Generation
Generate a PDF report detailing Points, Rewards, and comments, ready for printing and distribution to students and families.
Simple Display
Paycheck Display
Printer Settings
You can adjust the settings as you Print. To save space, turn off Headers and Footers. To save ink, turn off Background graphics.
Printables Only Available on Google Chrome
Accessing Printables from any browser that is not Google Chrome will produce this error:
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