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Add a New Student

Manually add a new student to LiveSchool

Amanda Banik avatar
Written by Amanda Banik
Updated over 11 months ago

Have a lot of students to add? Send in a spreadsheet instead!

From the Main Menu go to Setup and then Students. In the top, right corner, you'll see +New Student. Enter the First Name, Last Name, and Grade.

Click on "New Student" in the top, right corner.

Once your student is added, you'll want to add them to the correct rosters. Scroll down to the Assigned Rosters section of the page and select Add to Rosters on the right.

Click on "Add to Roster"

Select the Rosters to which the student belongs.

Sites that sync their data through Clever cannot manually add or edit students. Once those students are appearing in your SIS they should sync to Clever and then to LiveSchool. If you know a student has been in Clever with their appropriate Rosters for over 24 hours, reach out to

Details from the Student Details Page

Your student list shows you every student in your LiveSchool site, as well as their grade, current point balance, and House. You'll also see information to help you monitor the student and their parent's usage of their LiveSchool accounts.

"Last login," and "Parent last login" shows the last time the student and parent signed in to their LiveSchool account respectively, or if they've never signed in at all. The "Parents Signed Up" column shows you how many of the parent codes (out of 2) have been registered to a LiveSchool account. You can also export this information into a csv by clicking the Export Icon next to "+ New Student" in the top, right corner.

Click on Export in the top, right corner.

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