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Running Your Rewards System

How to effectively run your LiveSchool Rewards system, offering tangible and intangible rewards to students based on their earned points.

Amanda Banik avatar
Written by Amanda Banik
Updated over 8 months ago

Rewards System: The Key to Student Buy-In

To ensure students value their earned Points, it's essential that they understand the reasons behind earning them. A Rewards system in LiveSchool serves as an effective means to achieve this goal.

There are various types of Reward systems that can be implemented using LiveSchool:

  1. Tangible Rewards: These include physical items like candy, pop sockets, and other small items that students can purchase with their points.

  2. Intangible Rewards: Privileges and benefits that do not involve physical items but are equally appealing, such as early dismissal or a special privilege day.

  3. Point Goal Incentives: Encouraging students to achieve a specific number of points within a defined time period to earn a particular Reward or recognition.

Before proceeding, ensure you have set up your Rewards Store. For guidance, refer to our article, "Create and Edit Your Rewards Menu."

Running Your Rewards Store

Purchasing a Reward

User the Roster Picker or the Search function to find the student.

The Rewards Screen displays each student's spending balance, representing the amount of points they can spend on Rewards (Points balance minus previously purchased Rewards).

You have two options for selecting students during the purchasing process:

  1. View students by Rosters using the "Roster Picker" (this includes the Grade Roster)

  2. Search for any student(s) in the school.

Once the students are selected, they can proceed with the checkout process.

Student Check Out

Once you've selected a student, click continue to choose the Reward.

After selecting a student, click "Continue," and then choose the Reward(s) they wish to purchase. Any items they don't have enough points for will automatically gray out. Those without enough Points to purchase any item will show "Insufficient Funds".

Looking for a quicker way to run your Rewards Store? Check out our Ultimate Guide to School Reward Stores.

Fast Checkout

Select Fast Checkout from the Action Bar

Use the "Fast Checkout" feature for selling one item at a time, such as raffle tickets. Enable Fast Checkout to view the number of times a student has already purchased a particular item, and to check out multiple students at once with fewer clicks.

Refunding a Reward

If you need to refund a Reward, contact our support team by clicking on "Support" and chatting with us or sending an email to We'll confirm the refund and restore the student's Point balance accordingly. Site Leaders can also check out our article on how to Refund a Reward.

Rewards Store Data

Purchase History for a Single Student

Select a student and then choose Timeline from the Action Bar.

By selecting a student's name on the Rewards screen and clicking Timeline in the Action Bar, you can access a pre-filtered Timeline that displays only the Reward items purchased for that student.

Purchase History for a Specific Reward

Filter the Timeline for a specific Reward.
  1. To download a list of students who have purchased a specific Reward, go to Insights and choose Timeline.

  2. Apply a filter by clicking the "Item" column and searching for the desired Reward.

  3. The filtered Timeline will display only the purchases of that specific Reward made by all students and teachers within the selected timeframe.

  4. Click the Download button to save the list as a CSV file.

Most Popular Rewards

Sort the Scoreboard hight to low and toggle on "Weight by Points"
  1. To view a list of students who have purchased a specific Reward, go to Insights and choose Scoreboards > Rewards.

  2. Sort the Scoreboard from highest to lowest to see the number of Points spent on each Reward item.

  3. To view the number of times each Reward item has been purchased, turn off "Weight By Points" by clicking the Settings button in the top right corner.

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