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Logging into LiveSchool

Whether you're an educator, student, or family member, here are the simple steps to access your LiveSchool account.

Laura Litton avatar
Written by Laura Litton
Updated over a week ago

For Educators

Visit the LiveSchool Login Page

Open your web browser and go to the LiveSchool Login Page by typing into your address bar and pressing "Enter," or clicking the button below:

Enter Your Credentials

In the provided fields, enter your email address and password:

  • Your email address is typically the one associated with your school-based email, but it could also be one set by your district for applications.

  • If you're unsure about your LiveSchool email address, consult your LiveSchool Site Leader, who can find it under Setup → Users or in the Admin Panel.

Forgot Your Password?

If you forget your password, simply click Forgot Password? to receive a reset password request email.

Click "Log In"

After entering your credentials, click the "Log In" button. You'll be directed to your LiveSchool dashboard:

If you have any trouble logging in, check out these tips.

For Students

Visit the LiveSchool Login Page

Open your web browser and navigate to the LiveSchool Student Login Page by typing into your address bar and pressing "Enter," or clicking the button below:

Enter Your Credentials

Fill in the email address and password fields:

  • Your email address is usually the one provided by your school, but you might have used your personal email when creating your account.

  • If you're unsure about your LiveSchool email address, ask your teacher for verification, which they can find under Setup → Students.

Forgot Your Password?

If you forget your password, use the Click here link next to "Forgot your password?" to receive a reset password request email.

Click "Log In"

Once your credentials are entered, click the "Log In" button. This will take you to your LiveSchool dashboard:

For Families

Visit the LiveSchool Login Page

Open your web browser and access the LiveSchool Family Login Page by entering into your address bar and pressing "Enter," or clicking the button below:

Enter Your Credentials

Provide your email address and password in the respective fields:

  • Your email address should be the one you used when creating your account.

  • If you're unsure about your LiveSchool email address, consult your student's teacher, who can find it under Setup → Students.

Forgot Your Password?

If you forget your password, use the Click here link next to "Forgot your password?" to receive a reset password request email.

Click "Log In"

Once you've entered your credentials, click the "Log In" button. You'll be directed to your LiveSchool dashboard.

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